1:1 consultations
Book an appointment with me if you would like a holistic health assessment with a personalised plan that considers your specific health needs, goals and preferences.
Book online for video or phone consultation.
Please contact me directly if you would prefer a face to face consult or have any other questions.
Learn more about how I work and what to expect here.
COrporate wellness
If you’re looking to inspire a larger group and improve the health of your business contact me for more information on presentations and practical sessions.
Presentations can be tailored to your needs but common topics are -
What is a healthy diet - should I be vegan or carnivore!?
Healthy Aging
Supporting immune health and understanding the ‘microbiome’
Stress management with diet and lifestyle
Recipe creation
Got a great product idea that you want help creating or food business that needs a menu revamp with a health focused approach?
Contact me for more information on how I can help.